75 years of W J Horrod Ltd

This year, W J Horrod Ltd, an award-winning, family-owned business, proudly celebrates 75 years!

Founded in 1950 by brothers William John and Alex Horrod, W J Horrod Ltd began as a repair service, leveraging their military engineering experience. It quickly evolved into a leading manufacturer of asphalt and bitumen equipment, as well as civil engineering and highway maintenance machinery.

Incorporated in 1961, the company was named after their father William John Horrod Snr, whose financial support made it possible. Over the years, it remained a family business, with younger brothers and later generations taking the helm. Today, second-generation directors Kim and Terry run the company, with third-generation apprenticing to carry on the legacy.

For 75 years, W J Harrod Ltd has been at the forefront of manufacturing equipment for industrial solutions. Based in London, the company is widely recognised as the industry leader in safety and efficiency.

Horrods thrive on challenges: continually developing, designing, and testing new products to ensure customers have the very best machinery and plant for each project. Over the years, Horrods has worked across mainly the ‘building’ industry, but its expertise is not strictly limited to it. The company has provided all manner of products for manual handling, with clients ranging from the Royal Opera House, to the QEII Conference centre and Billingsgate Market. Their product range is extensive, and includes everything from the SwiftMelt Mastic asphalt mixer to Hotboxes, Hot Air Rubber Materials melters, and thermoplastic pre heaters (whiteliners.)

Always at the forefront of safety, quality and efficiency, Horrods’ range of services also include operator training, a hire service for many of its products, consultation on heating/decanting of new materials, research & development for problem solving, health & safety, and the ability to collaborate with Health & Safety Executives.

Terry Horrod Snr truly championed health & safety and advised HSE on good practices until the early 2000’s. Safety continues to be the watch word at Horrods today, as many of the larger products have moving parts using LPG Propane Gas or electric elements, and are heating vessels that produce hot materials.

Working alongside AYM, Horrods takes safeguarding very seriously, prioritising safety alongside quality. Every product is crafted using the highest-quality components and undergoes a rigorous design process, including longevity testing. Additionally, they ensure that products are easy to service and monitor once they leave the workshop.

For more information, please contact the team on the details below:
T 020 8539 5746