ECO PHYSICS AG develops new three-channel chemiluminescence analyser (NO/NO2/NH3)

ECO PHYSICS AG offers innovative analytical solutions for measurement tasks in the fields of environment, health and process control. Using its vital expertise and technology to contribute towards environmental preservation, human health, and industrial innovation, ECO PHYSICS’ interdisciplinary research and development team work tirelessly to deliver the best customer orientated and tailor-made products and services for the industry.

Founded in 1990 through a management buy-out, ECO PHYSICS stands strong today as an independent Swiss shareholder’s company with an active board of members who are committed to the future growth and success of the company. We spoke to Dr. Grischa Peter Feuersänger, Head of Sales & Marketing who explained how the past 12 months have fared.

“We have received a positive recovery post pandemic. Many public projects were reopened which generated a lot of opportunities for new references. The war in East Europe is a new tough challenge to overcome, especially for companies that rely almost completely on importing parts and exporting their finished products. But the main challenge for all of us has particularly been the manufacturing costs, shipping routes and exchange rates. Since 2022, we have used this time to expand our product portfolio and modernise our production line. New staff has been hired for production and R&D, and we have rearranged the supply chain due to the rise in production costs. We have adapted our yearly forecast to cater to this, we know it will be hard, but optimisation is our current goal.”

Knowing there is no quick fix to economic changes, ECO PHYSICS is determined to continue innovating and has developed a new three-channel analyser based on chemiluminescence. As an upgrade from the The nCLD AL2, The nCLDAL3/8555 CY analyser is the next generation in high precision nitrogen oxide measurement. Unique in speed and reliability, the nCLDAL3/8555 CY is modular designed and capable of simultaneously NO, NO2, NOX, NH3 and NOX-Amines. The new and intuitive graphical user interface also individually displays and connects to other instruments’ data.

Overall stability and reliability are lifted to a new level. The optional electro-mechanical bypass system balances out even the fastest of pressure variations occurring in the sample flow. Furthermore, the analyser is adaptable to numerous non-standardised applications and the calibration of the unit runs quickly and automatically with all necessary data available anywhere at any time. Its user friendly, compact, modular, and intelligent hosting its own CPU whilst enabling interaction with other CPUs by BUS-communication.

Additionally, ECO PHYSICS has also been developing upgrade kits for all its existing products to help counteract some of the problematic complications the supply chain has caused. “We have used this chance for some substantial upgrades in hardware, software and gas flow controls,” added Dr. Grischa Peter Feuersänger.

Going forward, ECO PHYSICS is excited to continue working on optimising production workflow whilst simultaneously expanding its current portfolio and developing new technologies.

In closing, we asked Dr. Grischa Peter Feuersänger how the company felt receiving our award. He responded, “We are extremely honoured to be nominated, thank you.”

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